s04e07Chef Goes Nanners :memo

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hear ... out 最後まで聞く

in a civil よくわからなかった

deserve~ ~に値する
    The question deserves your attention. その問題は注目に値する.
    I give you attention you deserve. 私はあなたにふさわしい注意を払います。

insensitive 無神経な

ancestor 先祖

great grandfather 曾祖父、ひいおじいさん

found found – founded – founded 設立する、何かの土台・基礎となる部分を作る

persecute 迫害する
    That flag represents a time when blacks were persecuted by whites

bother 悩ます、悩む
  他動詞の場合 SがOを悩ませる
    The residents are bothered by [with] the noise of the trains. 住民は列車の騒音に悩まされている
    I've no time to bother with [about] such things. そんな事にかまけている暇なんかないよ.
  自動詞の場合 Sが悩む
    How can a black man not be bothered by it?!

I have gone to every quiet protest I could! 私はあらゆる静かな抗議行動に参加しました。

I would like to turn the class's attention to current issues.

turn one's attention to ~に注意を向ける

pro-choice 中絶権利擁護派

pro-Gun control 銃規制賛成派

apparently, the winner of all your debates so far has been... Cartman

apparently (実際はともかく)見たところでは(…らしい)

so far ここまで

piss off 出ていく、去る

half the time ほとんどいつも

poignan 胸を刺すような、強烈な

If you don't have respect for your past, then you can never expect to have a future. 過去に経緯を払わないなら、未来は決して期待出来合い。

Nobody wants to get involved. 誰も巻き込まれたくない。
  involve 巻き込む、巻き添えにする

You're entitled to your own opinion. That's how it is in this town.

  〔+目的語+to+(代)名詞〕〈人に〉〔…の〕権利[資格]を与える 《★しばしば受身で用いる》.
  〔+目的語+to do〕〈人に〉〈…する〉権利[資格]を与える 《★しばしば受身で用いる》
That’s how we met.そのようにして私たちは出会った。That’s how~の使い方が感覚的に理解できていない。

we don't see what the big deal is. 何が問題なのかがわからない。

Now, in order for us the debate to change the South Park flag, we will need to do a lot of research.
  in order for…to do 〈人・もの〉が…するために

my plan is to divide up into three research teams.
  divide up 分割する

credibility 信用性
 In order to win the debate, we will need to attack Stan and Kyle's credibility.
 That's how you win these things: attack your opponents' credibility! Butters! Take some kids and go dig up whatever dirt you can on Kyle's past. I'm talkin' booby magazines, whatever.

dig up 堀り起こす

dirt 無価値なもの,軽蔑すべきもの、中傷

This might come in handy.
 come in handy 〔物・人が〕役に立つ、役立つ、重宝する
 come in handy for identifying ~の確認[特定]に役立つ

plenty 多量、多数、豊富さ

It's freedom of speech. We don't like it, but we can't arrest them for talking

These are really evil men we're dealing with.

As you know, this fine city is holding a vote on whether or not to change their flag. But lynching minorities is history! So what are we gonna do about it?!
Let's say that if they change the flag, we'll burn down the Capitol!
Let's say that if they change the flag, we'll never leave this town!
Let's say they should change the flag!
I think we should switch sides!
Look, we have to accept the fact that most people in the world hate us, right?
So, whatever side we're on is the side that's gonna lose, right?
So why don't we all say that we want the flag changed. That way, most folks'll vote to keep it the way it is.


I realize that many of you are torn by the issues as well, so, perhaps the children can shed some light on us.

tear tear-tore-torn 〈人・人の心を〉悩ます,かき乱す 《★通例受身で用い,「悩む,かき乱れる」の意になる; 前置詞は by,with》.

as well 同様に

shed light on

Now, the main point we would like to make is oftentimes it is prudent to change history.
As times change we hope to grow, and as we grow our rules must change.
It is a natural part of evolution.
Thank you.
 prudent 慎重な
 As times change 時代の変化とともに

Our main point is that the flag shouldn't offend anyone, because killing has been around since the beginning of time. All animals kill.And the animals that don't kill are stupid ones, like cows and turtles and stuff. So people should not be so upset about killing.
 and stuff ~など

The color of someone's skin doesn't matter.
All this time I thought these little crackers had turned racist, when actually they were so not racist that they didn't even make a separation of black and white to begin with.
All they saw when they looked at that flag was five people.

Hooray!! 万歳!!

Phew. I'm sure glad that's over with.

applause 拍手